
Prince Mudeenu is a Mipedian Royal Creature.

"Just because you can't see something... doesn't mean that it isn't there"
―Prince Mudeenu to Reggie, Castle Bodhran or Bust (Part Two).

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Character Origins

Mudeenu is a Mipedian Royal and Captain of the Guard. He is the cousin of Iflar. Mudeenu is a good and loyal leader to his men. It has been shown by the actions of his troops that he is held in high regard.

Name Origin

The origin of the name is unknown.



As a member of the Royal family, Prince Mudeenu is well-dressed and has the etiquette and grace to fit in with the aristocracy. To many outsiders, though, the Prince looks fierce and maybe even brutish.

Background Information

The Royal Family of the Mipedian Tribe descends from an ancient bloodline, seemingly as old as the desert itself. Mudeenu is the cousin to the Mipedian Crown Prince and holds a high place in the Mipedian aristocracy. Prince Mudeenu commands the Royal Guards, who are responsible for the safety of the Crown Prince. He is respected among his royal peers and feared by those he commands. He is publicly unfailing in his total dedication to the royal family, though he does not always personally live up to his own lofty standards of devotion. It seems that Prince Mudeenu will give up anything in order to find the Cothica and rule Perim.

Personality and Behaviour

Prince Mudeenu is hostile towards outsiders and loyal only to his people, but even that doesn't stop him from acting abrasive towards them as well.

Affiliations, Loyalties and Allies

Prince Mudeenu is unquestionably loyal to the Mipedian Royal Family. However, his quest to find the Cothica often leads him to make decisions that might not be in the best interest of the Mipedian people.

Mudeenu seems to distrust everyone who might stand in his way of finding the Cothica in A Flux Too Far he demonstrated concern when Siado was wounded by Khybon, showing he does care for his people.

Card Information

Basic DOP Stats




Basic COTG Stats




Insight on Card Abilities

Prince Mudeenu has the strongest Invisiblity: Strike of all the Mipedians in current release.


Mudeenu is well used in a Wisdom based deck, but that has it's limits. Mudeenu also has no elements so equipping him with a Wind Whip or similar BattleGear that bestows element would increase his range of attacks. He plays quite well with Owayki, and if two Owayki's are on your team, Mudeenu's Invisibility Strike would reach 30! He has the highest possible one-attack damage. If he battles at Stronghold Morn, giving him all the elements, is equipped with a BattleGear that that gives Element 5 (Viledriver, Torwegg, Vlaric Shard or Torrent Krinth) in a 10v10 match, has 2 unbrainwashed Dakkamaal Melee Trainers sacrifice their Mugician's Lyre and give up their Mugic Counters, giving him a grand total of Invisibility: Strike 80! Then he has a Tianne use Fanfare of the Vanishing twice, giving him Invisibility: Strike 110! After that, have a Karraba and Rellim cast 2 Mugic Reprise bringing back Fanfare of the Vanishing. Have another Tianne cast them again, totalling Invisibility: Strike 140! Use Mudeenu's and someone else's Mugic Counters to cast Song of Recovery twice, then use 2 Underworld Mugic Counters to cast Song of Fury twice. Finish by using Allmageddon, dealing a total of 205 damage to opposing creature!



The Animated Series


# Episode Used in BattleDrome? Appearance in Perim?
10 Castle Bodhran or Bust, Part 2 No Yes
18 Allmageddon Yes No
28 A Flux Too Far No Yes
38 Big Time No Yes
64 Triple Threat No Yes
65 Last Stand (Part One) No Yes
66 Last Stand (Part Two) No Yes
67 Legions of Aa'une‏‏ No Yes
68 Perithon! No Yes
79 Son of the Spiritlands No Yes

Card/Scan Copies

Player Courage Icon Power Wisdom Speed Energy Mugic Scan Obtained|- style="" Chaotic Player Name (...) # # # # # # where and when
Chaotic Player Name (...) # # # # # # where and when


"Just because you can't see something... doesn't mean it isn't there."
―Prince Mudeenu, Castle Bodhran or Bust, Part 2



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